Today Rachel and I went to see Toy Story 3 On Ice at the Alamodome. I saw a billboard for it, and thought it would be great for us to go. We were on the second row from the ice, and most of it was with no one in front of us.
I LOVE THIS SMILE!!!It was really neat to see all the characters ice skating.To introduce the toys, the soldiers sang "The Toys Are Back In Town".Then Rex played the Zurg video game OF COURSE!!!One of my favorite parts in the original movie was when the aliens would say "The Clawwwwww" they did it several times and I just loved it!Lotso was in the second half and he was just as mean as ever!!It was great. I was so happy because I had been wanting to take Rachel since it was in Fort Worth. So, we had a great time.
i would have LOVED to see this! i love toy story!